European turbomachinery society
The Organizing Committee
Chairman of the Committee
Dr. Raúl Vázquez Díaz
Rolls-Royce (UK)
Local Organising Committee
Prof. János Vad
BME, Budapest (HU)
Paper Review Chairman
Prof. Antoine Dazin,
General Secretary
Prof. Marcello Manna,
University of Naples (IT)
Euroturbo Members
- Dr. N. Atkins, University of Cambridge (GB)
- Prof. T. Arts, von Karman Institute (BE)
- Prof. L.E. Bakken, Norway University of Technology (NO)
- Prof. G. Barigozzi, University of Bergamo (IT)
- Prof. F.K. Benra, University of Duisburg-Essen (DE)
- Prof. G. Bois, ENSAM- ParisTech, Lille (FR)
- Prof. J. Boudet, Ecole Centrale de Lyon (LMFA), Ecully (FR)
- Prof. D. Brillert, Universitaet Duisburg-Essen (DE)
- Prof. R. Corral Garcia, UPM (ES)
- Prof. B. Cukurel, Technion, Haifa (IL)
- Prof. A. Dazin, ENSAM- ParisTech, Lille (FR)
- Prof. P. Doerffer, Polish Academy of Science (PL)
- Dr. M. Dumas, Snecma, SAFRAN, Villaroche (FR)
- Prof. F. Eulitz, von Karman Institute (BE)
- Prof. P. Flaszynski, IMP PAN, Gdansk (PL)
- Prof. T. Fransson, Royal Inst. of Technology, Stockholm (SE)
- Prof. V. Gnesin, National Academy Science, Ukraine (UA)
- Dr. A. Granovskiy, Lyulka Design Bureau (RU)
- Prof. V. Gribin, NTU “Moscow Power Institute” (RU)
- Prof. F. Heitmeir, Graz University of Technology (AT)
- Prof. P. Ireland, University of Oxford (GB)
- Prof. A. Kalfas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR)
- Prof. M. Manna, University of Naples “Federico II” (IT)
- Prof. F. Martelli, University of Florence (IT)
- Prof. K. Mathioudakis, Nat. Tech. University, Athens (GR)
- Prof. F. Montomoli, Imperial College of London (GB)
- Prof. R. Niehuis, Universität Bundeswehr München (DE)
- Dr. R. Obertacke, Siemens AG Power & Gas (DE)
- Prof. G. Pavesi, University of Padua (IT)
- Dr. P. Petrie-Repar, Royal Inst. of Technol., Stockholm (SE)
- Prof. J. Polanský, Technical University in Prague (CZ)
- Prof. J.A. Schiffmann, EPFL (CH)
- Prof. J. Seume, Leibniz University of Hannover (DE)
- Prof. S. Shahpar, Rolls-Royce, Derby (GB)
- Prof. C.H. Sieverding, von Karman Institute (BE)
- Prof. S. Spence, Trinity College Dublin (IE)
- Prof. J.E. Teixeira Borges, Instituto Superior Técnico (PT)
- Prof. I. Trébinjac, École Centrale de Lyon (FR)
- Prof. J. Vad, University of Budapest (HU)
- Dr. R. Vázquez Díaz, Rolls-Royce (GB)
- Prof. T. Verstraete, von Karman Inst. for Fluid Dynamics (BE)
Prof. D. Vogt, Inst. of Thermal Turbom, Univ. of Stuttgart (DE)
- Dr. A. Wiedermann, MAN Energy Solutions SE (DE)
Scope of conference
The scope of the conference covers from a scientific and engineering perspective, the fluid dynamics and thermodynamics of all kind of turbomachinery in the attempt to improve their performance, stability and sustainability characteristics. Of prime interest are the design, the analysis and the operation of axial, mixed flow, radial and unconventional turbomachines:
- Aero-engines and jet engines
- Industrial gas turbines, steam turbines
- Compressors and fans
- Turbochargers
- Hydraulic turbines and pumps
- Wind and marine turbines
- Aero and marine propellers
Particular attention will be given to the following areas:
Fundamental fluid mechanics
- Turbulent and transitional flows
- Two phase and wet steam flows
- Multiphase flows
- Particle paths, deposition and erosion effects
- Real working fluid flows
Thermodynamics, heat transfer,
cooling and leakage
- Heat transfer and turbine cooling
- Turbine internal and external (film) cooling flows and losses
- Effects of rotation, unsteadiness and temperature non uniformities
- Leakage and sealing flows
- Combustor turbine interactions
Unsteady flows and interactions
- Surge, stall and transients
- Rotor-stator interactions and multi-row effects
- Components interactions
(combustor/turbine, fan/HPC, HPT/LPT) - Vibration, forced response, flutter and aero-elasticity
- Separation and cavitation
- Aero-acoustics, noise generation and reduction
Turbomachinery design,
performance and operation
- Optimisation techniques and uncertainties quantification
- Design, analysis and optimisation
- Performance predictions
- Active and passive flow control, including MEMS
- Testing, measurement techniques
and experimental validation - Operational experience and performance monitoring
- Diagnostics, deterioration and residual performance/life prediction
History of conference
At the initiative of the German, English, French and Belgian Engineering Associations a European Turbomachinery Committee was founded in July 1993 with the mission to organise at European level a bi-annual international conference on fluid and thermodynamics aspects of turbomachines as a replacement for the hitherto national conferences on this subject. The conference was to be different in scope, size and organization from the annual ASME Gas Turbine Conferences that take place every other year in Europe.
The conference covers all types of turbomachines, i.e. aero-engines and stationary gas turbines, compressors, steam turbines, hydraulic turbines and pumps, ventilators and wind turbines.
The conference is limited to only 3 parallel sessions in order to allow a more focused participation of the audience and to improve the active discussion in each sessions;
The planning and the review process and the scientific quality of the conference is the responsibility of the EUROTURBO (European Turbomachinery Society) organizing committee, the actual organisation of the conference is taken over by a local engineering organization.
The conference was also seen as an integrating element between the Western and Eastern European countries and as an additional mean to foster collaboration in turbomachinery research at a European level. Finally this conference is seen as an ideal forum to present and publicise the results of research projects funded by the European Commission and benefits therefore also from the support by the Commission. In the recent years the EUROTURBO is promoting the free dissemination of the papers presented at the conference, and it is now accepted for coverage in the selected Elsevier product to be indexed in SCOPUS. The last Conferences and the incoming received the ISSN number: 2313‐0067 for international recognition.
Contributions originating from non European countries are of course encouraged, as is the participation to the conference. To ensure a high scientific quality of the conference a very thorough paper review process with at least 3 reviewers per paper is employed. The best papers will be proposed for publication in an internationally renowned technical journal. To enhance further the quality of the conference high level experts will be requested to deliver at the conferences invited lectures on leading edge turbomachinery technologies.
Following the successful first twelve conferences on turbomachinery held in Erlangen (DE) 1995, in Antwerp (BE) 1997, in London (GB) 1999, in Florence (IT) 2001, in Prague (CZ) 2003, in Lille (FR) 2005, in Athens (GR) 2007, in Graz (AT) 2009, in Istanbul (TR) 2011, in Lappeenranta (FI) 2013, in Madrid (ES) 2015, Stockholm (SE) 2017, Lausanne (CH) 2019, and in Gdansk (PL) 2021.
Fifteenth will take place in April 2023 in Budapest (HU)
Associated organizations
- Association of Czech Mechanical Engineers (CZ)
- Association Française de Mécanique (AFM) (FR)
- Associazione Termotecnica Italiana (ATI) (IT)
- EVI-GTI, European Virtual Institute for Gas Turbine Instrumentation
- Institution of Engineers in Ireland (IE)
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMEchE) (GB)
- Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieursvereniging (BE)
- Norsk Forening for Termiske Strømningsmaskiner (NFTS) (NO)
- Österreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten – Verein (AT)
- Power Engineering Committee, Polish Acad. of Sciencies (PL)
- Royal Institution of Engineers in The Netherlands (Klvl) (NL)
- Svenska Mekanisters Riskforbund (SE)
- VDI-Gesellschaft Energietechnik (DE)
Previous Conferences
2021, Gdansk, Poland – virtual
- Chairman: Prof. Francesco Martelli
- Paper Review Chairman: Prof. Antoine Dazin
- Local Conf. Organizer: Prof. Piotr Doerffer,
- Number of papers: 111
- Number of participants: 320
2019, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Chairman: Prof. Francesco Martelli
- Paper Review Chairman: Prof. Antoine Dazin
- Local Conf. Organizer: Prof. Jürg Schiffmann,
- Number of papers:
- Number of participants:
2017, Stockholm, Sweden
- Chairman: Prof. Francesco Martelli
- Paper Review Chairman: Prof. Marcello Manna
- Local Conf. Organizer: Prof. Torsten Fransson
- Number of papers: 142
- Number of participants:
2015, Madrid, Spain
- Chairman: Prof. Francesco Martelli
- Paper Review Chairman: Prof. Claus Sieverding
- Local Conference Organizer: Dr. Raul Vazquez, Dr. Roque Corral
- Number of papers: 130
- Number of participants: 291
2013, Lappeenranta, Finland
- Chairman: Prof. Gerard Bois
Paper Review Chairman: Prof. Olivier Leonard
Local Conference Organizer: Prof. Jari Backman
Number of papers: 90
Number of participants: 172
2011, Istanbul, Turkey
- Chairman: Prof. Gerard Bois
- Paper Review Chairman: Prof. Marcello Manna
- Local Conference Organizer: Prof. Mete Sen
- Number of papers: 134
- Number of participants: 270
2009, Graz, Austria
- Chairman: Prof. Francesco Martelli
- Paper Review Chairman: Prof. Marcello Manna
- Local Conference Organizer: Prof. Franz Heitmeir, on behalf of Österreichischer Ingenieur-und Architekten-Verein
- Number of papers: 126
- Number of participants: 250
2007, Athens, Greece
- Chairman: Prof. Francesco Martelli
- Paper Review Chairman: Prof. Marcello Manna
- Local Conference Organiser: Prof. Kyriakos D. Papailiou on behalf of Greek Technical Chamber
- Number of papers: 114
- Number of participants: 215
2005, Lille, France
- Chairman: Prof. Claus H. Sieverding
- Paper Review Chairman: Prof. Marcello Manna
- Local Conference Organiser: Prof. Gerard Bois on behalf of Société Française des Mécaniciens
- Number of papers: 108
- Number of participants: 202
2003, Prague, Czech Republic
- Chairman: Prof. Claus H. Sieverding
- Paper Review Chairman: Prof. Gerard Bois
- Local Conference Organiser: Prof. Miroslav Stastny on behalf of Association of Czech Mechanical Engineers
- Number of papers: 107
- Number of participants: 238
2001, Florence, Italy
- Chairman: Prof. Roland Decuypere
- Paper review Chairman: Prof. Gerard Bois
- Local Conference Organiser: Prof. Francesco Martelli on behalf of Associazione Termotecnica Italiana
- Number of papers: 91
- Number of participants: 195
1999, London, United Kingdom
- Chairman: Prof. Roland Decuypere
- Paper Review Chairman: Prof. Claus H. Sieverding
- Local conference Organiser: Mr. Colin Scrivener on behalf of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
- Number of papers: 89
- Number of participants: 194
1997, Antwerpen, Belgium
- Chairman: Prof. Roland Decuypere
- Paper Review Chairman: Prof. Claus H. Sieverding
- Local Conference Organiser: Prof. Roland Decuypere on behalf of Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieursvereniging
- Number of papers: 65
- Number of participants: 159
1995, Erlangen, Germany
- Chairman: Prof. Günther Dibelius
- Local Conference organiser: Dr. Ernst-Günter Hencke on behalf of VDI
- Number of papers: 58
- Number of participants: 155

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European Mechanics Society is an international non-governmental non-profit scientific organization